Strategies for empty properties
Our specialist team is able to advise on the management and mitigation of empty rate liabilities. We understand that one size does not fit all and deliver a strategy tailored to specific clients' needs.
We are proud market leaders and pioneers in the field of empty rate management. The scheme that we adopt was given legitimacy in the High Court (Makro Self Service Wholesalers Limited v Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough Council [2012] EWHC) and which has recently been subject to a judicial review.
Depending on the scheme adopted, we can ensure savings of up to 78% on annual liability.
We consider all forms of exemptions to fully mitigate liability which include prohibition by law.
Our teams are able to work with the landlord or developer to deliver bespoke solutions to mitigate a rates liability , which includes:
- Deletion of rating list assessment
- Following construction work, prior agreement with the Local authority on a beneficial effective date
- Liaise with the Valuation Office Agency and prior agree the level of value prior to an assessment being created. This avoids the lengthy and onerous appeals system
- If necessary, we can challenge a completion notice that has been served by the local authority