Embrace energy efficiency and net zero carbon
Decarbonising the portfolio and reducing costs is a win-win with increased efficiencies and up to 30% savings on energy bills
- Are you on track to realise your decarbonisation targets?
- Have you ensured that your heating and cooling systems are running at the times and temperatures to suit the ‘new normal’ occupancy?
- Have you considered whether the easy wins that can help you to move towards your net zero goal, whilst saving energy and improving business practices, are aligned with the new normal?
Science based research has confirmed that collectively small adjustments can make significant savings in energy consumption and running costs, whilst keeping organisations on track to reduce carbon emissions and meet growing customer, staff and investor demand.
Some of these points have become more relevant in light of the changes brought about by COVID-19, including:
- Heating and Cooling set-points may need more active and frequent adjustments
- Electrical appliances may need ‘sleep mode’ activated rather than always being left on
- Appointing Energy Champions encourages ownership of energy use targets
- Short-term efficiency measures such as LED lighting can reduce energy use as well as accelerate decarbonisation
- A phased and costed pathway to net zero may need to be identified due to a changed portfolio or footprint
Achieving net zero in existing buildings is a significant challenge but in the long run it adds value to investment portfolios, helps attract staff and save money from energy and carbon offsetting.
A phased approach aligned to your business strategy can save costs and focus resources on quick wins and high impact areas.
Our team of energy efficiency and sustainability experts has extensive experience of advising large and small portfolio owners and occupiers. We work with engineers, financial consultants and property specialists using modeling tools to help explore the most cost-efficient pathways to saving energy bills in the short term and helping delivery of net zero strategies in the longer term. Find out how we can help here.
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