How do we go about producing a COVID-19 Risk Assessment?

The law already says that significant findings from risk assessments must be written down if you have more than five staff. The guidance now states that you must share the results of your risk assessment with your workforce. The guidance also recommends that you publish your Covid-19 risk assessment on your website, and that all employers with over 50 workers will be expected to do so.

Do we need to do a risk assessment even if we are not reopening because everyone is working from home?

Yes, but it should concentrate on the homeworking risks. You can update it (after consultation) in due course to reflect your plans for re-opening.

How do we go about doing a satisfactory risk assessment?

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) provides generalĀ guidance on how to do a risk assessment, which would need to be adapted for Covid-19 using the appropriate workplace guidance for your particular environment. In summary, the HSE recommends taking the following five steps:

  • Identify the hazards in your workplace
  • Decide who might be harmed by those hazards and how
  • Evaluate the risks and decide on measures you can implement to minimise the risks
  • Record your findings and implement them
  • Review your risk assessment and update it as necessary

For support assessing your buildings and preparing a COVID-19 Workplace Risk Assessment contact the Avison Young team of expert Workplace Consultants.

Health and safety duties

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Satatium voloration pos volorem aut inuscip santur sa endignis etus, coruptatia aut fugiatis aut occullu ptatem que num exped quia volorerestia nectem a sequia et autatis. Nostiam es egi aleris noxim me vernica vividi menius in etiquam. Nostiam es egi aleris noxim me vernica patquodiu in simissoliis etiquam. Satatium voloration pos volorem aut inuscip santur sa endignis etus, coruptatia aut fugiatis.

Home working

Satatium voloration pos volorem aut inuscip santur sa endignis etus, coruptatia aut fugiatis aut occullu ptatem que num exped quia volorerestia nectem a sequia et autatis. Nostiam es egi aleris noxim me vernica vividi menius in etiquam. Nostiam es egi aleris noxim me vernica patquodiu in simissoliis etiquam. Satatium voloration pos volorem aut inuscip santur sa endignis etus, coruptatia aut fugiatis.

For more advice on reopening your workplace, navigate left and right through this resource centre and read our Q&A document.

This webinar and Q&A document reflects our professional opinion of the factors impacting workplace transition in the context of our role as workplace specialists. It does not constitute formal advice and we recommend engagement with specialists, including your own internal or external health and safety advisors, if you are transitioning your workplace to a 'Covid secure' standard. Please also note that the Q&A contains responses to specific questions which therefore may not be appropriate for all types of businesses or workspaces. The spread of COVID-19 and the containment policies being introduced are changing rapidly, and some of the views expressed herein may not reflect the latest opinion of Avison Young. We strongly recommend that you continue to monitor the relevant UK Government advice, and any supplementary local advice. These sources provide regularly updated information on the COVID-19 outbreak: World Health Organization, Government of Canada, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, UK Government, Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Case Tracker.