Susan Fiesta
Meet Susan Fiesta
What is your role at Avison Young?
Global Tax Director.
Who has been the most influential woman in your life?
My mom. She grew up on a farm in a small town with extremely traditional and conservative views on gender roles. The women in her family were not supported for higher education as the expectation was to stay home and raise children. As long as I can remember, my sister and I were told we could go to whatever college we wanted even if we chose never to work a day in our lives; we would just be well educated moms! Growing up, I truly believed there was no limit to what I could do if I worked hard enough. My mom was there every step of the way cheering on my successes, as well as singing my praising to anyone who would listen!
This year's IWD theme is Choose to Challenge. What do you choose to challenge or celebrate to help create more inclusion in your community?
I am challenging myself to stop apologizing unnecessarily, deflecting compliments, or making self-deprecating comments. These comments are not only habit-forming but contagious. I will be a better role model to my daughter and other women by celebrating my successes graciously and seeking opportunities to celebrate other women's successes.
What women’s organizations would you recommend other women get involved with?
Always join your company's women's network and mentoring groups. If your company does not have one or both, request that one is started. I have attended countless women's events over the years and every time I come away inspired and wanting to challenge myself in a new way. It is also an easy way to build your internal network.
I am challenging myself to stop apologizing unnecessarily, deflecting compliments, or making self-deprecating comments.